The context menu slowly appears – pause! Solution 2 solve!

When we execute a right mouse click on the empty space, the winding causes a group of parameters in the rectangular menu. This is a rectangular menu and there is a context menu, see a photo that contains a few different parameters. The context menu for the desktop is very useful for quickly accessing settings and displaying / hiding desktop icons, sorting desktop items, and creating a new folder on the desktop.
Since the release of Windows 10, some users have complained about the context menu, since it began to slowly work on the desktop. For its users who are faced with this problem, when you right-click on a blank area of ​​the desktop, the context menu does not appear instantly. The context slowly appears after about 4 seconds. (more…)

How to install VPN from Cisco client on Windows 7, XP, 10

1) Download and install the SonicWall VPN client found here

2)  Download the Cisco VPN client from here.

3) CMD  – regedit and there locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and click the drop-down icon. Then do this again for System, CurrentControlSet, Services, and finally, CVirtA. from there, double-click DisplayName and change the value data to “Cisco Systems VPN Adapter” (without quotes) if you’re using the x86 32-bit version of the software or “Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows” (again, without quotes) if you’re on the 64-bit version.

For reference, the original value data entry should look like this:

32-bit (x86): @oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter

64-bit (x64): @oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows

reboot and try


Tech moms and dads determine the proper boundary for their children

update 2019 -> NYT

When Steve Jobs was running Apple, he was known to call journalists to either pat them on the back for a recent article or, more often than not, explain how they got it wrong. I was on the receiving end of a few of those calls. But nothing shocked me more than something Mr. Jobs said to me in late 2010 after he had finished chewing me out for something I had written about an iPad shortcoming.

“So, your kids must love the iPad?” I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. “They haven’t used it,” he told me. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”

I’m sure I responded with a gasp and dumbfounded silence. I had imagined the Jobs’s household was like a nerd’s paradise: that the walls were giant touch screens, the dining table was made from tiles of iPads and that iPods were handed out to guests like chocolates on a pillow.

Nope, Mr. Jobs told me, not even close.

Since then, I’ve met a number of technology chief executives and venture capitalists who say similar things: they strictly limit their children’s screen time, often banning all gadgets on school nights, and allocating ascetic time limits on weekends.

I was perplexed by this parenting style. After all, most parents seem to take the opposite approach, letting their children bathe in the glow of tablets, smartphones and computers, day and night.

Yet these tech C.E.O.’s seem to know something that the rest of us don’t.

Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired and now chief executive of 3D Robotics, a drone maker, has instituted time limits and parental controls on every device in his home. “My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules,” he said of his five children, 6 to 17. “That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”

The dangers he is referring to include exposure to harmful content like pornography, bullying from other kids, and perhaps worse of all, becoming addicted to their devices, just like their parents.

Alex Constantinople, the chief executive of the OutCast Agency, a tech-focused communications and marketing firm, said her youngest son, who is 5, is never allowed to use gadgets during the week, and her older children, 10 to 13, are allowed only 30 minutes a day on school nights.

Evan Williams, a founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium, and his wife, Sara Williams, said that in lieu of iPads, their two young boys have hundreds of books (yes, physical ones) that they can pick up and read anytime.
So how do tech moms and dads determine the proper boundary for their children? In general, it is set by age.

Children under 10 seem to be most susceptible to becoming addicted, so these parents draw the line at not allowing any gadgets during the week. On weekends, there are limits of 30 minutes to two hours on iPad and smartphone use. And 10- to 14-year-olds are allowed to use computers on school nights, but only for homework.

“We have a strict no screen time during the week rule for our kids,” said Lesley Gold, founder and chief executive of the SutherlandGold Group, a tech media relations and analytics company. “But you have to make allowances as they get older and need a computer for school.”

Some parents also forbid teenagers from using social networks, except for services like Snapchat, which deletes messages after they have been sent. This way they don’t have to worry about saying something online that will haunt them later in life, one executive told me.

Although some non-tech parents I know give smartphones to children as young as 8, many who work in tech wait until their child is 14. While these teenagers can make calls and text, they are not given a data plan until 16. But there is one rule that is universal among the tech parents I polled.

Sed eleifend sed dui nec nibh iaculis faucibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer iaculis faucibus lorem vitae convallis. Nunc vel vestibulum erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam ullamcorper libero sed felis tempor, eget ullamcorper nibh rhoncus. Integer auctor odio at massa fermentum hendrerit. Praesent sagittis nec sem at egestas. Phasellus vitae metus id ante dapibus elementum. Fusce lobortis dui nec nibh molestie, nec molestie ipsum vulputate. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse id nulla facilisis, elementum nulla in, vehicula risus.

Nulla eget tellus nec libero molestie tincidunt. Aliquam blandit dignissim justo, ut aliquet augue rutrum non. Aenean feugiat justo sit amet luctus elementum. Nam bibendum hendrerit fringilla. Nunc urna diam, iaculis non metus posuere, vestibulum iaculis magna. Cras interdum non leo consequat pretium. Pellentesque accumsan congue imperdiet. Fusce tincidunt justo erat, vitae commodo purus condimentum at.

Nunc cursus nibh eu commodo sollicitudin. Sed placerat tortor viverra tincidunt ultrices. Nullam volutpat hendrerit tortor nec elementum. Nam in dolor id purus hendrerit pretium. Maecenas sodales adipiscing lacus eget viverra. Aliquam ac lobortis libero. Curabitur tempor hendrerit blandit. In vel nunc nibh. Nullam ligula enim, faucibus vitae ornare sed, lacinia sit amet nulla. Cras eget erat sit amet dolor lacinia faucibus blandit vitae dolor. Ut et tortor eleifend, gravida neque vitae, commodo elit. Morbi dapibus accumsan metus et varius. Fusce vitae luctus enim, quis luctus nisi. Fusce ornare tincidunt ipsum, et malesuada ipsum molestie sed.

Donec vitae aliquet tellus. Nulla at posuere velit, nec placerat lectus. In ipsum erat, pellentesque id metus sit amet, molestie pharetra justo. Duis interdum convallis nisi sit amet sodales. Ut non aliquam ligula. Cras fringilla dapibus sodales. Nam varius, turpis eu elementum viverra, urna mauris venenatis elit, id fringilla lectus velit vel elit.

Aenean laoreet ullamcorper odio et posuere. Pellentesque dictum, dui vitae feugiat pulvinar, tortor tortor luctus diam, sit amet interdum justo magna in lectus. Etiam eu dolor in nibh placerat fringilla quis vel ante. Donec in ipsum malesuada orci vulputate dictum sed sit amet velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin dignissim nisi non nunc dictum adipiscing. Vivamus elementum ligula venenatis porta malesuada. Mauris sit amet adipiscing ipsum. Donec vitae lacus feugiat, facilisis turpis id, bibendum eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In porttitor felis quis velit sollicitudin laoreet. Curabitur auctor semper lobortis. Sed eleifend sed velit eu pharetra. Nulla et tempor ligula. Praesent volutpat enim quis metus faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse hendrerit, eros at pharetra malesuada, dolor mauris hendrerit nibh, ut porttitor enim tortor eu nulla.

Donec ligula erat, hendrerit eget porttitor ut, elementum non velit. Duis laoreet dignissim sem, at cursus enim rhoncus non. Nulla fermentum pretium condimentum. Ut turpis purus, vestibulum sit amet semper quis, lacinia sed mauris. Vestibulum adipiscing dui in velit semper, sed laoreet eros varius. Phasellus commodo malesuada condimentum. Donec tempus commodo mi, non semper erat fringilla ac. Mauris arcu nulla, aliquet ut tincidunt et, dictum sed est. Vivamus volutpat semper mauris, ac consectetur metus tempor ut. Donec vel vestibulum elit, vel semper est. Proin at eleifend nibh. Ut lobortis urna non varius vulputate.

Nulla eget tellus nec libero molestie tincidunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer iaculis faucibus lorem vitae convallis. Nunc vel vestibulum erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam ullamcorper libero sed felis tempor, eget ullamcorper nibh rhoncus. Integer auctor odio at massa fermentum hendrerit. Praesent sagittis nec sem at egestas. Phasellus vitae metus id ante dapibus elementum. Fusce lobortis dui nec nibh molestie, nec molestie ipsum vulputate. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse id nulla facilisis, elementum nulla in, vehicula risus.

Nulla eget tellus nec libero molestie tincidunt. Aliquam blandit dignissim justo, ut aliquet augue rutrum non. Aenean feugiat justo sit amet luctus elementum. Nam bibendum hendrerit fringilla. Nunc urna diam, iaculis non metus posuere, vestibulum iaculis magna. Cras interdum non leo consequat pretium. Pellentesque accumsan congue imperdiet. Fusce tincidunt justo erat, vitae commodo purus condimentum at.

Nunc cursus nibh eu commodo sollicitudin. Sed placerat tortor viverra tincidunt ultrices. Nullam volutpat hendrerit tortor nec elementum. Nam in dolor id purus hendrerit pretium. Maecenas sodales adipiscing lacus eget viverra. Aliquam ac lobortis libero. Curabitur tempor hendrerit blandit. In vel nunc nibh. Nullam ligula enim, faucibus vitae ornare sed, lacinia sit amet nulla. Cras eget erat sit amet dolor lacinia faucibus blandit vitae dolor. Ut et tortor eleifend, gravida neque vitae, commodo elit. Morbi dapibus accumsan metus et varius. Fusce vitae luctus enim, quis luctus nisi. Fusce ornare tincidunt ipsum, et malesuada ipsum molestie sed.

Donec vitae aliquet tellus. Nulla at posuere velit, nec placerat lectus. In ipsum erat, pellentesque id metus sit amet, molestie pharetra justo. Duis interdum convallis nisi sit amet sodales. Ut non aliquam ligula. Cras fringilla dapibus sodales. Nam varius, turpis eu elementum viverra, urna mauris venenatis elit, id fringilla lectus velit vel elit.

Aenean laoreet ullamcorper odio et posuere. Pellentesque dictum, dui vitae feugiat pulvinar, tortor tortor luctus diam, sit amet interdum justo magna in lectus. Etiam eu dolor in nibh placerat fringilla quis vel ante. Donec in ipsum malesuada orci vulputate dictum sed sit amet velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin dignissim nisi non nunc dictum adipiscing. Vivamus elementum ligula venenatis porta malesuada. Mauris sit amet adipiscing ipsum. Donec vitae lacus feugiat, facilisis turpis id, bibendum eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In porttitor felis quis velit sollicitudin laoreet. Curabitur auctor semper lobortis. Sed eleifend sed velit eu pharetra. Nulla et tempor ligula. Praesent volutpat enim quis metus faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse hendrerit, eros at pharetra malesuada, dolor mauris hendrerit nibh, ut porttitor enim tortor eu nulla.

Donec ligula erat, hendrerit eget porttitor ut, elementum non velit. Duis laoreet dignissim sem, at cursus enim rhoncus non. Nulla fermentum pretium condimentum. Ut turpis purus, vestibulum sit amet semper quis, lacinia sed mauris. Vestibulum adipiscing dui in velit semper, sed laoreet eros varius. Phasellus commodo malesuada condimentum. Donec tempus commodo mi, non semper erat fringilla ac. Mauris arcu nulla, aliquet ut tincidunt et, dictum sed est. Vivamus volutpat semper mauris, ac consectetur metus tempor ut. Donec vel vestibulum elit, vel semper est. Proin at eleifend nibh. Ut lobortis urna non varius vulputate.