SC: Service Center

SC_RMSSC: Service Center – integrated automation service center.

The automation system “AKROS: Service Center” at the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 is designed to improve the efficiency of the service center of refueling cartridges. Allows you to keep a record of the status of cartridges, printers in terms of orders and assignments, manage relationships with customers and contractors, to regulate and monitor the status of custom work.

Main functions:

  • Accounting cartridge customers (accounting on bar codes by serial number);
  • Accounting models cartridges;
  • Accounting parts / items cartridges (squeegee, drum chip, and so on. F.), Which can be replaced during refueling;
  • Registration materials used when refueling cartridges, accounting analogues;
  • Automatic selection and formation services, depending on the model of the cartridge, works and list items replaced;
  • For one model cartridge can provide several services
  • Pricing for services of refueling cartridges.

Accounting operations:

  1. Reception cartridges inside job service center, issuance;
  2. Making an application for refills Cartridge
  3. reception cartridges (by number or individually) with the following serial numbers;
  4. Cartridge selection via barcode scanner;
  5. Printing labels with bar code;
  6. job sharing at different responsible persons;
  7. printing applications to customers.
  8. Automatic creation of the document “Route List” based on the document “Acceptance of orders”

Reconciliation of work with the client:
Sending manager for approval, indicating the elements that need to be replaced;
revision manager information on cartridges that need to be adjusted;
quick view of the cost of work on the various options cartridges work;
fixing the reconciliation;

Internal harmonize the refueling cartridge selection counterpart in the absence of necessary spare parts;
The account of work performed (refill cartridge) with automatic selection of services and its value depending on the replaced components;
Automatic selection of the necessary elements that are found in a warehouse and are suitable for use in filling a particular cartridge;
Print «test» – a letter from a document filling (for each model indicated cartridge your printer), you can add comments;
Invoicing with automatic selection of services, depending on the model of the cartridge and the work performed;
Accounting for settlements with customers;
Write-off parts and consumables used in the refueling cartridge for regulation with the possibility of adjustment;
Accounting Services Installation cartridges;
Account status cartridge;


· Report on the pump cartridges made in the context of the period, the manager of refueling cartridges, cartridge model, the client.

The automation system increases business profitability.

Automation service reduce the “paper” document, to simplify and speed up the analysis of all services center, to tighten control over the work of the staff, set the remote monitoring of the current state of orders.

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